Data Collection
Data collection is a critical component to ABA therapy. You will track data during sessions with your client by recording Correct (+) or Incorrect (-) trials. You will need to download Atrack to your phone:
Download ATrack to your phone:
Android - Click this link to download or search for “Applied ABC” in the Google Play store.
iPhone - Request redemption code from Case Manager. Go to App Store, click your Account bubble in the upper right hand of the screen, click redeem gift card or code, enter in code that was emailed to you.
Please review the below presentation prior to your live orientation.
Important Note: Data is necessary for ALL sessions in order to be valid for receiving payment for your session. This includes supervision sessions, and very 1st sessions where you will be working on pairing.
Catalyst App - A few cases may still use the previous app called Catalyst. If your Case Manager says you will be using Catalyst, please click the below button to learn more.
Data Pairing Sheet - download